Rajivari's CoupFull unit name: Rajivari's Coup
Last updated: 11.06.2024 0:30:42
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Known Facts (2)
Rajivari's coup was a conflict that took place some time after the end of the Force Wars
Force Wars (25793-25783BBY)
Pre-Republic Era (before 25000BBY)
and the formation of the Jedi Order
Jedi Order
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
on the planet Tython
It was ensued when the Jedi Master
Jedi Master
Supporting Characters
, one of the founders of the Jedi Order and member of the first Jedi Council
Jedi Council
Jedi Order
, disagreeing with the policies that his fellow founders had agreed upon for the Order, decided to destroy the order to rebuilt it from the ground with his own aggressive principles.
To ensure he had an army capable of defeating the Jedi, Rajivari formed an alliance with a mysterious party that operated from beyond the mountains and employed native Flesh Raiders
Flesh Raider
Sentient Species
as their servants.
But Rajivari failed to murder his fellow Council members and was killed himself instead.
After that, his allies vanished, leaving only Flesh Raiders behind.
His remaining followers
Rajivari's Followers
Planetary and Sector
barricaded themselves in the fortress of Kaleth and put up a last stand against the Jedi Order.
The conflict ended after the Jedi Order besieged
Siege of Kaleth
(Rajivari's Coup)
Pre-Republic Era (before 25000BBY)
and then captured the fortress, resulting in the deaths of all of Rajivari's followers.


See also
Related organizations
Jedi CouncilStructureCharactersTers SendonGaron JardCala BrinSentient speciesZabrakTers SendonPart of / Served onJedi Order
Jedi OrderStructureCharactersJedi Master Ters SendonJedi Master Garon JardJedi Master Cala BrinOrganizationsJedi CouncilSentient speciesZabrakJedi Master Ters SendonRanksJedi MasterTers SendonGaron JardCala Brin
Rajivari's FollowersStructureCharactersRajivariOrth Quane (Rajivari's Coup, Siege of Kaleth)Cahel Tse (Rajivari's Coup, Siege of Kaleth)Vadria Tallion (Rajivari's Coup, Siege of Kaleth)Sentient speciesTwi'lekVadria Tallion (Rajivari's Coup, Siege of Kaleth)Flesh Raider
Related units, characters and other technologies
RajivariMembershipRajivari's Followers
Ters SendonMembershipJedi CouncilJedi OrderJedi Master Ters Sendon
Cala BrinMembershipJedi CouncilJedi OrderJedi Master Cala Brin
Garon JardMembershipJedi CouncilJedi OrderJedi Master Garon Jard
Orth QuaneMembershipRajivari's FollowersRajivari's Coup, Siege of Kaleth
Vadria TallionMembershipRajivari's FollowersRajivari's Coup, Siege of Kaleth
Cahel TseMembershipRajivari's FollowersRajivari's Coup, Siege of Kaleth
Flesh RaiderWere among members ofRajivari's Followers
Twi'lekWere among members ofRajivari's FollowersVadria Tallion (Rajivari's Coup, Siege of Kaleth)
ZabrakWere among members ofJedi CouncilTers SendonJedi OrderJedi Master Ters Sendon
Jedi MasterMembershipJedi OrderTers SendonGaron JardCala Brin
Events that took place during this period
Siege of Kaleth

Full unit name: Rajivari's Coup Last updated: 11.06.2024 0:30:42